Douglas halloween parade
Saturday, October 25, 2025
$ 55.00 per person
9:00 PM - Parade Walkers Lineup
9:30 PM - VIP Walkers Lineup
10:00 PM - Parade Begins
9:30 PM - VIP Walkers Lineup
10:00 PM - Parade Begins
Join us in downtown Douglas, Michigan for the 27th Annual Douglas Halloween Parade for Adults. Each year this event draws countless people to our small town to witness this extravaganza of creativity in costuming and performing arts. Parade participants spend all year developing characters and practicing routines to amaze the crowds. This event is not to be missed!
Transportation to and from the parade will be provided via Deluxe Motorcoach. You will have time both before and after the parade to shop or get food and beverages from the many unique downtown vendors. You'll quickly realize why Douglas is known as "The Village of Friendliness."
Transportation to and from the parade will be provided via Deluxe Motorcoach. You will have time both before and after the parade to shop or get food and beverages from the many unique downtown vendors. You'll quickly realize why Douglas is known as "The Village of Friendliness."

7:00 PM - Departing Muskegon
1780 E. Sherman
Park in front of Defy Extreme Air Sports
1:00 AM - Returning to Muskegon
1780 E. Sherman
Park in front of Defy Extreme Air Sports
1:00 AM - Returning to Muskegon
For more information, click on the link below